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Tree of Life - Etz ha’ Hayim |
Ten Sefirot of Nothingness: Ten and not nine; ten and not eleven.
Understand with Wisdom, and be wise with Understanding.
Examine with them and probe with them, make a thing stand on its essense, and make the Creator sit on His base
Sefer Yetzirah 1:4
The Tree of Life is one of the most important glyphs to have arisen not only within Jewish Kabalah, but in the occidental esoteric tradition generally. As can be seen from the above three depictions, the Tree has various representations (see my page 'representations of the Tree of Life').
One of its important aspects is that its roots are in the spiritual realms, and is hence at times depicted as an inverted or upside-down tree. Another is that it has precisely and only ten Sefirot (emanations): Daat, or Knowledge, is not a Sefirah.
There are many sources for studying these in further detail. Below I simply present a brief outline and the beginning of an exegesis based on the manner in which the words are written (in Hebrew). As I have used the letter-images I have elsewhere on this site, a note should be added that all single letters are shown green, doubles black (and dageshed), and mother letters displayed in red.
Further notes on the Hebrew letters are on the Alef-Beit page.
Four worlds
The Tree of Life reflects a four-fold creative process. Some have preferred to view that each of these worlds contains a whole Tree, others to see the Tree itself as manifesting the four worlds.
In one sense, a little like a holograph, each part contains within itself the whole. A tiny particle of Malkut thus contains within itself the whole Tree - a deep sense of the Hermetic maxim 'As it is above, so it is below'. If this is the case, then of course each world-division of the Tree 'contains' an image of the full Tree.
This holographic quality, however, does not mean that the clear image is not one. The Tree of Life is one.
The four 'divisions' of the World can visually be seen on the Interactive Tree page. Each division, or each world, is itself a creative living manifestation. Its titles are usually given as Atzilut, Beri'ah, Yetzirah, and Assiyah (variations occurs in Hebrew transliterations). A little about each of these worlds follows.
Atzilut: the World of Nearness or Emanation (Olam Ha'Atzilut)
world of the sefirot
Beri'ah: the World of Creation (Olam Ha'Beriah)
world of the throne
Yetzirah: the World of Formation (Olam Ha'Yetzirah)
world of the angels
Assiyah: the World of Making or Action (Olam Ha'Assiyah)
world of the forms
Meditation, Contemplation, Illumination
The following is consistent with instruction given in The Gate of Kavanah.
Meditating on and contemplating these, through placing oneself as light below the glorious light of Kavod of unspeakable beauty (Tifaret), grounded on a foundation (Yesod) that surrounds with life-light (Haim), between the higher glowing awesome (Pahad-Geburah) light of Nogah and the even higher covenantial (Gedulah-Hesed) good light of Tov. The words brought forth needs to be directed towards one or other of these higher lights. To your right will be the victorious (Netzah) brilliance of Bahir, to your left the splendorous (Hod) radiance of Zohar. Above it all the nearness of the crown (Keter) radiating the Or Ain Sof touching the Ain Sof.
It is in this state that one may receive and transmit that which forms as dew from the influx that crowns the arked passion and being in the paths of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, and the power of knowledge, through word and symbol.
The Sefirot and Da'at
What follows are initial notes duplicating the information on the 'Interactive Tree of Life' page. More traditional notes will be forthcoming.
Keter - Crown

4-world division:
Atzilut - Nearness (emanation)
Sefirah's meaning
Keter = Crown
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Seraphim (1st)
'Spirits of Love'
Anthroposophical aspect
Spirit [Hu]man/Atma
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Tarot trumps
XXI World/Fool (Mat)
Lotus flower work
ref.: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds |
Aristotelean Category: Substance
'An individual may be considered in its proper being as distinct from its surroundings insofar as it is able to exist in itself as a unified centre of characteristics, interactions, and relations, in which case we are speaking of what falls under the category of substance.'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Hockmah - Wisdom

4-world division:
Atzilut - Nearness (emanation)
Sefirah's's meaning
Hockmah = Wisdom
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Cherubim (2nd)
'Spirits of Harmony'
Anthroposophical aspect
Life Spirit
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Brow ('3rd Eye')
Spiritual Imagination
Tarot trumps
Lotus flower work
Moral Discrimination (distinguishing truth from appearance)
ref.: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
Aristotelean Category: Quantity
'An individual may be considered in itself according to the properties it has as a consequence of being a material substance, in which case we are speaking of what falls under the category of quantity'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Binah - Intelligence or Understanding

4-world division:
Atzilut - Nearness (emanation)
Sefirah's meaning
Binah = Intelligence, Understanding, Insight
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Thrones (3rd hierarchy)
'Spirits of Will'
Anthroposophical aspect
Spirit Self
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Brow ('3rd Eye')
projected through the Throat chakram
Spiritual Inspiration
Tarot trumps
VIII Justice/XVIII Moon
Lotus flower work
Moral Discrimination (distinguishing truth from appearance)
ref.: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
Aristotelean Category: Relation
'[…] action and passion are not the relations of cause and effect but rather the foundations and terminations in subjectivity of those relations'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Da'at - Knowledge

4-world division (straddles both):
Atzilut - Emanation & Beri'ah - Creation
Title's meaning
Da'at = Knowledge
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
(future humanity) 'Spirits of Freedom'
Anthroposophical aspect
Ego (εγω) = 'I'
Here Consciousness Soul and Spirit Self interweave to give birth to the human 'I'
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Throat (16 petals)
Tarot trumps
X Wheel of Fortune/XX Judgement
Lotus flower work - eight of 16 petals:
Right View
Right Intention
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Concentration
ref.: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds |
Aristotelean Category: not applicable
Hesed or Gedulah - Love or Covenant

4-world division:
Beri'ah - Creation
Sefirah's meaning
Hesed = Love (Covenant) / Gedulah = Glorious
Hesed as a concept has evolved over time. In its early phase, it can be understood as closely related to the duty one has to him or her towards which their is responsibility or subordination. For example, the parent to child relationship; or master and servant. In that sense, the concept embodied both a care and covenant. In more recent times, its various manifestations are also reflected in the various Greek uses of 'Love' as Agape, Philos, and Eros, as well as that of a sacred covenant as found in the Old Testament between God and his people.
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Dominions / Kyriotetes (4th)
'Spirits of Wisdom'
Anthroposophical aspect
Consciousness Soul
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Heart (12 petals)
Tarot trumps
VI l'Amoureux/XVI Maison Dieu
Lotus flower work - future development of new etheric organ
Distinguishing truth from non-truth
Rightly valuing the true over the inessential
Practicing the six virtues of the Heart
Love of inner Freedom
ref.: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds |
Aristotelean Category: Quality
'An individual may be considered again in itself but according to the properties it has as a consequence of being a specific type of material substance, that is, as a consequence of its form rather than its matter, in which case we are speaking of what falls in the category of quality'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Geburah or Pahad - Strength or Awe

4-world division:
Beri'ah - Creation
Sefirah's meaning
Geburah = Force / Pahad = Awe
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Virtues (Mights) / Dynamis (5th)
'Spirits of Motion'
Anthroposophical aspect
Intellectual Soul
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Heart (12 petals)
Spiritual Intuition
Tarot trumps
VII Chariot/XVII Star
Lotus flower work - six of 12 petals:
Control of Thoughts
Control of Action
Tolerance and Patience
Impartiality and Faith
ref.: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds |
Aristotelean Category: Where
'An individual may be considered according to its relation to surrounding bodies in the environment, in which case we have the category of where or location'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Tifaret - Beauty

4-world division:
Beri'ah - Creation
Sefirah's meaning
Tifaret = Beauty
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Powers/Exusiai (6th)
'Spirits of Form'
Anthroposophical aspect
Sentient Soul
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Solar plexus (10 petals)
Tarot trumps
V Pope/XV Devil
Lotus flower work
Life lived in a state of attentiveness
ref.: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds |
Aristotelean Category: When
'An individual may be considered in its relation to preceding events or individuals, in which case we are concerned with the category of when'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Netzach - Eternity

4-world division:
Yetzirah - Formation
Sefirah's meaning
Netzach = Victory (eternity)
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Archai (Principalities) (7th)
'Spirits of Personality & Time'
Anthroposophical aspect
Soul/Astral Body
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Sacral (6 petals)
Tarot trumps
III Empress/XIII Death
Aristotelean Category: Posture
'An individual may be considered according to the way it positions itself (crouched, upright, supine, etc.), in which case we have the category of posture'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Hod - Splendor

4-world division:
Yetzirah - Formation
Sefirah's meaning
Hod = Splendor / reverberation
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Archangels (8th)
'Folk Spirits of Fire'
Anthroposophical aspect
Soul/Astral Body
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Sacral (6 petals)
Tarot trumps
IIII Emperor/XIIII Temperance
Aristotelean Category: Vestition
'[…] an individual may be considered in terms of accountrements it assumes for protection, decoration, or whatever purpose, in which case we are speaking of what belongs to the category of vestition'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Yesod - Foundation

4-world division:
Yetzirah - Formation
Sefirah's meaning
Yesod = Foundation
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Angels (9th hierarchy)
Anthroposophical aspect
Etheric body
Chakram/Lotus flower level
Base (4 petals)
Tarot trumps
II Papess/XII Le Pendu
Aristotelean Category: Action
'An individual may be considered as the origin of some behaviour, in which case we are speaking of what falls in the category of action'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Malkut - Kingdom

4-world division:
Assiah - Action (manifestation)
Sefirah's meaning
Malkut = Kingdom
Matrix of physical world as spiritual substance.
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
Human (10th hierarchy)
Anthroposophical aspect
Physical body
Chakram/Lotus flower level
'Planta' (limb-ends: feet & hands)
Tarot trumps
I Bateleur/XI Fortitude
Aristotelean Category: Passion
'The individual may be considered as acted upon by some other agent, in which case we are in the category of passion'
J. Deely Four Ages of Understanding, p76
Resources for Tree of Life study
book recommendation on the Tree of Life
Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi The Way of Kabbalah
Tree of Life sites
Eliezer Segal's simple diagram
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