Sefirah: Keter
4-world division:
Atzilut - Emanation ('nearness')
Sefirah's meaning
Keter = Crown
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Seraphim (1st)
Aristotelean Category: Substance
Anthroposophical aspect: Spirit [Hu]man/Atma
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Crown
Tarot Trumps: XXI World/Fool (Mat)
Sefirah: Hockmah
4-world division:
Atzilut - Emanation ('nearness')
Sefirah's's meaning
Hockmah = Wisdom
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Cherubim (2nd)
Aristotelean Category: Quantity
Anthroposophical aspect: Life Spirit
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Brow ('3rd Eye')
Tarot Trumps: VIIII Hermit/XVIIII Sun
Sefirah: Binah
4-world division:
Atzilut - Emanation ('nearness')
Sefirah's meaning
Binah = Intelligence, Understanding, Insight
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Thrones (3rd)
Aristotelean Category: Relation
Anthroposophical aspect: Spirit Self (Manas)
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Brow ('3rd Eye')
Tarot Trumps: VIII Justice/XVIII Moon
Name: Da'at
4-world division (straddles both):
Atzilut - Emanation & Beri'ah - Creation
Title's meaning
Da'at = Knowledge
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: (future humanity)
Aristotelean Category: n/a
Anthroposophical aspect: Ego = 'I'
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Throat (16 petals)
Tarot Trumps: X Wheel of Fortune/XX Judgement
Sefirah: Hesed / Gedulah
4-world division:
Beri'ah - Creation
Sefirah's meaning
Hesed = Love (Covenant) / Gedulah = Glorious
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Dominions / Kyriotetes (4th)
Aristotelean Category: Quality
Anthroposophical aspect: Consciousness Soul
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Heart (12 petals)
Tarot Trumps: VI l'Amoureux/XVI Maison Dieu
Sefirah: Geburah / Pahad
4-world division:
Beri'ah - Creation
Sefirah's meaning
Geburah = Force / Pahad = Awe
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Virtues / Dynamis (5th)
Aristotelean Category: Location
Anthroposophical aspect: Intellectual Soul
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Heart (12 petals)
Tarot Trumps: VII Chariot/XVII Star
Sefirah: Tifaret
4-world division:
Beri'ah - Creation
Sefirah's meaning
Tifaret = Beauty
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Powers/Exusiai (6th)
Aristotelean Category: Temporality
Anthroposophical aspect: Sentient Soul
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Solar plexus (10 petals)
Tarot Trumps: V Pope/XV Devil
Sefirah: Netzach
4-world division:
Yetzirah - Formation
Sefirah's meaning
Netzach = Victory (Eternity)
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Archai (Principalities) (7th)
Aristotelean Category: Position
Anthroposophical aspect: Soul/Astral Body
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Sacral (6 petals)
Tarot Trumps: III Empress/XIII Death
Sefirah: Hod
4-world division:
Yetzirah - Formation
Sefirah's meaning
Hod = Splendor / reverberation
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Archangels (8th)
Aristotelean Category: Possession
Anthroposophical aspect: Soul/Astral Body
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Sacral (6 petals)
Tarot Trumps: IIII Emperor/XIIII Temperance
Sefirah: Yesod
4-world division:
Yetzirah - Formation
Sefirah's meaning
Yesod = Foundation
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Angels (9th)
Aristotelean Category: Action
Anthroposophical aspect: Etheric body
Chakram/Lotus flower level: Base (4 petals)
Tarot Trumps: II Papess/XII Le Pendu
Sefirah: Malkut
4-world division:
Assiah - Action (manifestation)
Sefirah's meaning
Malkut = Kingdom
Matrix of physical world as spiritual substance.
jmd's syncretism
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy: Human (10th)
Aristotelean Category: Passion
Anthroposophical aspect: Physical body
Chakram/Lotus flower level: 'Planta' (limb-ends: feet & hands)
Tarot Trumps: I Bateleur/XI Fortitude