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March 2025


newsletter issue #131

The I-Ching and the Pip Cards of the Tarot

[…] In September 2008, I included the following for the ATS Newsletter, which I republish here as a tribute to the recent (March 2025) presentation by Rowen Zhi Jian Ong on a similar topic at the Western Australian Tarot Conference. My thoughts on the I-Ching and the pip cards of the tarot were first formulated in the 1990s for a year-long course I held in Preston, Melbourne with Rev. Neville Anderson [...]

> Read the whole entry online




Jean-Michel David, Reading the Marseille Tarot

Reading the Marseille Tarot

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Dear --name--

Though I was planning a different entry for this month, given the recent Western Australia Tarot Conference (held in Fremantle, just outside of Perth, last weekend), I thought this one more appropriate. It was prompted by a presentation by Rowen Zhi Jian Ong from Singapore and a brief discussion we had beforehand.

If you're planning to come along next year, presenters will include, aside from myself, Mary Greer and Kat Black... and many others. Previous presenters have included Russell Sturgess, Liz Dean, and a range of other artists, authors, and teachers.

Western Australia Tarot Conference 2026 - March Equinox: III - The Empress

Details will be at tarotconference.com.au


Online tarot course 2025

As I mentioned last newsletter, I recently recorded a 12-session tarot course to be released next year (translated into various languages, including Spanish and Italian initially, and it is expected to also release in Portuguese, Russian, French and German. Details will be forthcoming in future newsletters. Please do check Franco Rossi's updates on Facebook.


Online tarot presentations and interviews

Do have a look at the following.

Tarot as Spiritual Tool

The first is my 2020 presentation 'Tarot as a Spiritual Tool' (available in various translations)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugnL6qSQXBo

Interview on Tarot

The other is a more recent interview with Indi Dave covering various elements of tarot for his podcast channel The Next Wave - episode 8:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVqJawWog1s&t=1s

Interview on Paneurhythmy

In case you missed it, an earlier Episode 3 of their Podcast features an interview with myself on Paneurhythmy. Though Paneurhythmy is best experienced than having a 'sit-and-chat', do have a look if interested.

I still intend to include a future Newsletter on the importance and significance of this practice - one of the most important (from my perspective) developments that has arisen over the past century, and in my view reflective of tarot in motion.


Book purchases

My Reading the Marseille Tarot, the small book-length interview Enrique had with myself, and my booklet on the Place for Philosophy in Teacher Formation are all available directly from Lulu.com:

> https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/tarotstudies/

until next,

Jean-Michel David



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