
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Hare
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Images used for Meditations on the Tarot

Links below have both a coloured and b&w version adjacent each other.

Also available are pdfs for the Letters of Meditations on the Tarot as available on the internet as a whole book. As these were scanned, numerous ocr errors arise (eg, 'met' showing as 'inet' or vice versa).

I would highly recommend that a copy of the book be purchased - the pdfs are placed here solely as a service to those unable to obtain their own copy. To purchase a copy of the book, click on the book image to the right.


Letters from the anonymous author

> Foreword

> Letter 1 - the Bateleur

> Letter 2 - the Popesse

> Letter 3 - the Empress

> Letter 4 - the Emperor

> Letter 5 - the Pope

> Letter 6 - the Lover

> Letter 7 - the Chariot

> Letter 8 - Justice

> Letter 9 - the Hermit

> Letter 10 - the Wheel of Fortune

> Letter 11 - Force

> Letter 12 - the Hanged Man

> Letter 13 - Death

> Letter 14 - Temperance

> Letter 15 - the Devil

> Letter 16 - the Tower

> Letter 17 - the Star

> Letter 18 - the Moon

> Letter 19 - the Sun

> Letter 20 - Judgement

> Letter 21 - the Fool

> Letter 22 - the World


card images

Colour & B&W outline

I - Le Bateleur

II - La Papesse

III - L'Impératrice

IIII - L'Empereur

V - Le Pape

VI - L'Amoureux

VII - Le Chariot

VIII - La Justice

VIIII - L'Ermite

X - Le Roue de Fortune

XI - La Force

XII - Le Pendu

XIII - La Mort

XIIII - La Tempérance

XV - Le Diable

XVI - La Maison-Dieu

XVII - L'Étoile

XVIII - La Lune

XVIIIII - Le Soleil

XX - Le Jugement

       Le Fou

XXI - Le Monde

   Meditations on the Tarot

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