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List of Grand Lodges around the world

The following list is inevitably ongoing and developing... errors are rectified when informed of these


Note that not all regular lodges are affiliated with a 'grand lodge'. Indeed, an increasing number of Lodges are working autonomously, some inter-connected through an association such as ALMA or FLLS. This does, of course, make it somewhat more difficult to maintain this page in an adequate and complete manner!

For some explanation about Grand Lodges in general, please check my "GL Explanation Page".



    Central & South
    island nations
Middle East
Oceania, Indian Ocean &
Pacific nations and states

Dymaxion Map

Select a region by clicking on the map, the list to the left, or scroll down; for regions displaying information in tabular form, cf 'table explanation'.
The map is based on Buckminster Fuller's icosahedral dymaxion world map.

Compiled from numerous sources. Of special note are two key resources: Jean Solis's Guide Pratique de la Franc-Maçonnerie; and Paul Bessel's site - basically a similar page to this one. A couple of other significant online resources are Gary Dryfoos's Page About Freemasonry and Roald Atle Furre's masons.start4all.com.


Africa - North



Masonic High Council of Egypt [warning: NR²]



Grande Loge unie du Moroc

Grande Loge Féminine du Maroc

Grand Orient of Marocco


> return to map

Africa - sub-Sahara

Burkina Faso

International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Congo Brazzaville

International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)


Grande Loge du Gabon


Grand Lodge of Ghana

Guinea (Guinea-Conakry)

International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Ivory Coast

International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grande Loge de la Côte d'Ivoire


Prince Hall Grand Lodge Republic of Liberia

Madagascar → Indian Ocean: Madagascar


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grande Loge du Sénégal


South Africa

International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) South African Federation

Order of Women Freemasons

Grand Lodge of South Africa

District Grand Lodge of the Western Province of the Cape of Good Hope


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grande Loge Nationale Togolaise


Order of Women Freemasons

> return to map

America - Central and South


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Jurisdicción Argentina

Gran Oriente Federal de la República Argentina

Rito Antiguo y Primitivo de Memphis-Misraim

Gran Logia De la Argentina

Aruba (Netherlands)

Lodge El Sol Naciente (Grand East of the Netherlands)


Prince Hall Grand Lodge


Prince Hall Union Grand Lodge of Florida & Belize


Gran Logia de Bolivia


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Federação Brasileira

International Masonic Order 'Delphi' [under Greece] (co-Masonic)

Alto Conselho Maçônico do Brasil

Grande Loja Unida de Paraná

Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry [TS¹ orientation]

Grand Loja do Brazil

Grande Loja Maçônica de São Paulo

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Grande Loja do Rio Grande do Sul

Gran Orient of Brazil


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Jurisdicción Chilena

Gran Logia Mixta de Chile

Gran Logia de Chile


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Colombia

Costa Rica

Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry


Grand Lodge of Cuba


Grand Lodge of Ecuador

Guiana (French)

Guiana (UK)


Fédération Maçonique Haïtienne

Grand Orient of Haïti


District Grand Lodge of Jamaica (under Scotland)

District Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands

Mexico → North America: Mexico


Grand Lodge of Panama


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Paraguay [N.B.: There are currently two GLs operating with this name]


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Peru


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Venezuela

Gran Logia de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela

West Indies

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Caribbean


> return to map

America - North
Canada Mexico U.S.A.


GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
Grand Orient du Québec
Grand Orient du Canada
Grand Orient de France - North American Jurisdiction
International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Canadian Jurisdiction
Grande Loge du Canada - Memphis-Misraïm ?
Order of Women Freemasons    
Grande Loge Nationale du Canada    
Prince Hall Grand Lodge Province of Ontario    
Grand Lodge of Alberta    
Grand Lodge of British Columbia    
Grand Lodge of Manitoba    
Grand Lodge of New Brunswick    
Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia    
Grand Lodge of Newfoundland & Labrador    
Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan    
Grand Lodge of Quebec    
Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island    


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Baja California

Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico

York Grand Lodge of Mexico

United States of America

For ease of reference, I have grouped GLs for the USA into three sections:

GL name and link open to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
Liberal &/or Co-Masonic:          
Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) American Federation
George Washington Union of Freemasons of North America
International Masonic Order 'Delphi' [under Greece]
Grand Orient de France (Lodges in the USA) √*³*
Grand Orient of the United States of America  
Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium - GLFB (Lodges in the USA)  
American Co-Masonry  
Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry [TS¹ orientation]  
Grand Lodge Ancient Universal Mysteries [warning: NR² b]  
Prince Hall masculine-only GLs:

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alabama

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arizona

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arkansas

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of District of Columbia

Prince Hall Union Grand Lodge of Florida & Belize

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Indiana

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Iowa

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kentucky

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota


(Prince Hall) Stringer Grand Lodge - Mississippi

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Missouri

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nebraska

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Jersey

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Mexico

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Rhode Island

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Tennessee

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Wisconsin

Other masculine-only GLs:

Grand Lodge of Alabama

Grand Lodge of Alaska

Grand Lodge of Arizona

Grand Lodge of Arkansas

Grand Lodge of California

Regular Grand Lodge of California [NR² a]

Grand Lodge of Colorado

Grand Lodge of Connecticut

Grand Lodge of Delaware

Grand Lodge of District of Columbia

Grand Lodge of Florida

Grand Lodge of Georgia

Grand Lodge of Idaho

Grand Lodge of Illinois

Grand Lodge of Indiana

Grand Lodge of Iowa

Grand Lodge of Kansas

Grand Lodge of Kentucky

Grand Lodge of Louisiana

Grand Lodge of Maine

Grand Lodge of Maryland

Grand Lodge of Massachusetts

Grand Lodge of Michigan

Grand Lodge of Minnesota

Grand Lodge of Mississippi

Grand Lodge of Missouri


Grand Lodge of Montana

Grand Lodge of Nebraska

Grand Lodge of Nevada

Regular Grand Lodge of Nevada [NR² a]

Grand Lodge of New Hampshire

Grand Lodge of New Jersey

Grand Lodge of New Mexico

Grand Lodge of New York

Grand Lodge of North Carolina

Grand Lodge of North Dakota

Grand Lodge of Ohio

Grand Lodge of Oklahoma

Grand Lodge of Oregon

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

Grand Lodge of South Carolina

Grand Lodge of South Dakota

Grand Lodge of Tennessee

Grand Lodge of Texas

Grand Lodge of Utah

Grand Lodge of Vermont

Grand Lodge of Virginia

Grand Lodge of Washington

Grand Lodge of West Virginia

Grand Lodge of Wisconsin

Grand Lodge of Wyoming


> return to map

Asia - mainland



Grand Lodge of China (Taipei)

Hong Kong centre (under various GLs)


Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry [TS¹ orientation]

Confederation of United Grand Lodges of India

Grand Lodge of India

Korea (north)


Korea (south)







> return to map

Asia - island nations

East Timor

Hong Kong





International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Japan


Grand Lodge of the Philippines


Sri Lanka


Grand Lodge of China

> return to map



GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
Sovereign Grand Orient of Germany (South Australia)
International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Australian Federation
Order of Women Freemasons (South Australia)    
Grand Lodge of South Australia & Northern Territory    
Grand Lodge of Tasmania    
Grand Lodge of Western Australia    
District Grand Lodge of Western Australia (Scottish Constitution)    
United Grand Lodge of New South Wales    
United Grand Lodge of Queensland    
United Grand Lodge of Victoria    
Masonic High Council of Australia (NSW) [warning: NR² a]    
Grand Lodge Ancient Universal Mysteries [warning: NR² b]  

New Zealand

GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry [TS¹ orientation]  
United Grand Lodge of New Zealand    

> return to map

Andorra Austria Belgium Bosnia Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechoslovakia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland UnitedKingdom


Gran Logia Simbolica d'Andorra


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Austrian Federation

Union Fur Die Gruppen Der Gemischten Freiumaurerei Fur Manner und Frauen in Osterreich

Grossorients von Österreich

Grossloge von Osterreich


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Fédération de Belgique

Grand Orient de Belgique

Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium

Grand Lodge of Belgium

Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium

Masonic High Council of Belgium [warning: NR²]


Grand Lodge of Bosnia and Hercegovina


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

International Masonic Order 'Delphi' [under Greece] (co-Masonic)

Grand Lodge of Bulgaria

United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria

Grand Lodge of Ancient and Accepted Rite in Bulgaria


Grand Lodge of Croatia


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Cyprus


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Den Skandinaviske Federation

Danske, Frie & Uafhængige Murere Danish Free and Independent Masons

Lilium (under Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium) & Freja

Den Danske Frimurerorden (National Grand Lodge of Denmark)

Det Danske Frimurerlaug af Gamle Frie & Antagne Murere (Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Denmark)

Storlogen af Danmark (Grand Lodge of Denmark)


Eire → Ireland


Grand Lodge of Estonia


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Den Skandinaviske Federation

Provincial Grand Lodge under the Grand Land Lodge of Sweden

Suomen V. JA. O. M. Suurlosi (Grand Lodge of F&A Masons of Finland)


GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
Ordre Maçonnique Mixte et International (Le Droit Humain) Fédération française
Grand Orient de France √*³*
Grande Loge Mixte Universelle ?
Grande Loge Nationale Française    
Grande Loge Féminine de France   ?
Grande Loge Symbolique de France ? ?
Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique "Opéra" ? ?
Grande Loge des Maçons Réguliers Francs et Acceptés [warning: NR²]    
Grande Loge de France   ?
Grande Loge Féminine Française de Memphis-Misraïm   ?
Ordre Initiatique et Traditionnel de l'Art Royal (OITAR) ? ?


GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) German Federation
Grossorients von Luxemburg (Loge Carpe Diem)
Universelle Freimaurer Liga Deutschland ?
Vereinte Freimaurer in Deutschland ?
Vereinigte Grosslogen von Deutschland ?
Universaler Freimaurer Orden "Humanitas" ?
Grossloge Zur Humanität    
Vereinigte Grosslogen von Deutschland (United Grand Lodges of Germany) (& alternate site)    
Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland   ?
Sovereign Grand Orient of Germany (Souveräner GrossOrient von Deutschland) ? ?


GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Hellenic Federation
International Masonic Order 'Delphi'
Grand Lodge of Greece   ?
Hellenic Grand Lodge of Strict Observance   ?
Mixed Grand East of Greece ?
National Grand Lodge of Greece    
Serene Grand East of Greece ? ?

Holland → Netherlands


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Magyarországi Páholya

Magyorszagi Szimbolikus Nagypaholy (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary)


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Iceland


Grand Orient of Ireland

Grand Lodge of Ireland


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Federazione Italiana

Gran Loggia d'Italia

Grande Oriente d'Italia

Regular Grand Lodge of Italy

Grande Oriente Federale D’Italia [warning: NR²]


Grand Lodge of Latvia


Grand Lodge of Lithuania


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Luxembourg

Grande Loge du Luxembourg


Grand Lodge of Macedonia


Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta


Grand Lodge of Moldova

Netherlands (Holland)

International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Dutch Federation

Lithos Confederation of Lodges

Grootoosten der Nederlanden


GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Den Skandinaviske Federation
Den Norske Frimurerorden (Norwegian Order of Freemasons)      


International Co-Freemasonry (Droit Humain) Federacja Polska

Grand Orient of Poland

National Grand Lodge of Poland (Wielka Loza Naradowa Polski)


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Federação Portuguesa

Grand Lodge Nationale of Portugal

Grande Loja Legal de Portugal


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

International Masonic Order 'Delphi' [under Greece] (co-Masonic)


United Grand Lodge of Russia

Grand Lodge of Russia


Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia


Masonic High Council of Slovenia

Grand Lodge of Slovenia


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Federación Española

Order of Women Freemasons

Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (feminine-only Lodges)

Grand Lodge of Spain (Gran Logia De España)

District Grand Lodge of Spain


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Sweden


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) Fédération Suisse

Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland

Grand Orient De Suisse

Women's Grand Lodge of Switzerland


Turkey is currently listed under Middle East

United Kingdom

GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup.
International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain) British Federation
Order of Women Freemasons    
Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons    
Grand Lodge of Freemasonry for Men and Women [TS¹ orientation]  
Grand Lodge of Scotland    
United Grand Lodge of England    
Regular Grand Lodge of England [warning: NR² a]    
Grand Lodge Ancient Universal Mysteries [warning: NR² b]  
Grand Lodge of all England at York [warning: NR² a]    

> return to map

Middle East



National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan


Grand Lodge of Iran (currently in exile operating from the USA)



International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of the State of Israel



International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

District Grand Lodge of Lebanon

Lebanese Great Federal Orient

Orient of Canaan

Masonic High Council of Lebanon



Grand Lodge of Turkey

Grand Lodge of Liberal Freemasons of Turkey

Grand Masonic Lodge of Turkey

United Arab Emirates

> return to map

Oceania, Indian Ocean & Pacific nations and states



Grand Lodge of Hawaii

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Hawaii


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique de Madagascar

National Grand Lodge of Madagascar


International Co-Freemasonry (Le Droit Humain)

Grand Lodge of Mauritius

New Caledonia

Papua New-Guinea

Some Lodges under UGLQ (Australia)

Solomon Islands



(no GL - Lodge in Port Vila operates under UGLE)

> return to map


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1) 'TS orientation' refers to those GLs that have decided to adopt Theosophical Society views with regards to Freemasonry, as expressed by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater. Unless you are TS inclined, I would personally encourage alternatives where these are available.

2) warnings: 'NR' means 'Not Recommended'. As I am at times asked if there are particular GLs I would personally either avoid or not recommend, I have added this small precautionary footnote to but few GLs:

a] the so-called 'Regular Grand Lodge of England' (with branches in various other places) and its derivative 'Grand Lodge of All England'. In my limited dealings with each, they have given me great cause for concern, and would suggest vigilant caution. UGLE has this to say:

There has been a split in the “Regular Grand Lodge of England" [Rui Gabirro, aka Robert H. Lamar, Duke Alexander of Cabinda, and Mangovo Ngoyo]. Two of their members were unhappy at the direction the RGLE is taking and have “revived” the old Grand Lodge of All England, known to Masonic historians as the York Grand Lodge.

The Grand Master of this new Grand Lodge is one John Gordon Graves and the Grand Secretary is Peter J. Clatworthy.

b] the 'A.U.M.' stems from Alice and Foster Bailey's views and appears to have rather unsavoury anti-semitic tendencies.

3) Various Lodges of the Grand Orient de France have initiated women (June 2008), with the GO recognises that these initiations were regular in all respects. The GO still has to, however, accept that its member Lodges are (or may be) Co-Masonic. My heartfelt congratulations to those Lodges and to the GOdF!

table explanation

please use the 'back' arrow of your browser to return to the location you were viewing.

For some geographical locations I have already added information as to whether its GLs exclude individuals on the basis of either gender of religious belief. Over time and as information is forthcoming, I hope to complete this for all regions. A brief explanation follows:

GL Name and Linkopen to:
Women Men Laïc Sup. Being Christ.

Name of GL (linked to website if known)

open to women

open to men

personal religious belief not determinant part of admission process

belief in a Supreme Being required (or acceptable if previous column also ticked)

open to Christians.

If the previous column is not selected: restricted to Christians

(e.g.) International Co-Freemasonry (LDH)

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